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Welcome to Willow Class (Designated Provision 2)


Mrs Brabin - Monday, Tuesday, Wed morning

Mrs Bonser - Wed afternoon, Thursday, Friday

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Conroy - Monday, Tuesday

Miss Lake - Monday - Friday

Miss Webb - Wednesday - Friday

Mrs C Brabin - Teacher

Mrs Brabin - Class Teacher

Mrs D Conroy - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Conroy - Teaching Assistant


Miss Webb - Teaching Assistant

Mrs A Bonser - Teacher

Mrs Bonser - Class Teacher

Miss E Lake - Teaching Assistant

Miss Lake - Teaching Assistant

PE / Swimming

Our swimming lessons start on Thursday 25th April and run every Thursday for 10 weeks. The children will leave school around 10:40 and be back for lunchtime. 

Swimming kits need to include:

  • Plastic bag
  • Trunks / costume 
  • Towel 
  • Googles (optional) 

Please see class newsletter below for more details regarding goggles.


PE is on Wednesdays during the summer term.

Your child needs a full PE kit including:

  • Blue Dallam PE Top
  • Black Shorts
  • Trainers
  • Sunhat 

Please note: school no longer allows children to wear pumps for PE. 

Click on the link below to visit our NEW online uniform shop.


Messages Home

Home - School link books are checked by a member of Willow Class Staff daily. If you have a message to send into school, your child's link book is the best place to do so.

Please also make sure that your child has their link book in with them each day, should we need to write a note home. 

We will continue to add progress towards your child's personal targets via the Seesaw App.  

Seesaw - Apps on Google Play


Children can bring in a healthy snack each day or they can buy toast for £1 a week. Please send £1 into school in an envelope with your child by 9.30am each Friday morning to pay for toast for the following week.

Alternatively you can pay for the term by bank transfer direct to school. Please use your child's name and 'TUCK' as the reference.

Account Number: 43836550

Sort Code: 01 - 09 – 17

Each child also needs a named water bottle that can remain in school. If you would like your child to have squash, please send in a named bottle.

Useful Maths Websites

Below are some games that you may find useful when practising times and division facts. 

Hit the Button: 


Moon Maths: 


Times Tables Rockstars:


Outside Play


We are very fortunate in Willow Class to have our own large outdoor area. So that we can use it every day, we ask that you send your child into school with a named pair of wellies that can remain here in school and make sure they have a waterproof coat with them each morning. As the weather is becoming warmer, you may also wish to send in a named sunhat to leave in class. 

You may also feel your child would benefit from a bag of named spare clothes to keep in school such as spare trousers, socks and underwear.


Reading books need to come into school everyday so that adults in the classroom can read with the children. Books will be changed on a Thursday / Friday. 

Your child will bring home two books; one at the level they are currently reading at and we ask that you hear your child read as many times as you can during the week, and a second book for you to share together. 

Reading and sharing the same book can greatly improve reading fluency and sight vocabulary. 

Please remember to sign your child's reading records so they can work towards a Reading Champions mention on the weekly newsletter.

Our learning this term...


In the summer term, our science topic is Sound.

We will be learning through lots of investigations and experiments:

  • How sounds are made through vibrations.
  • To recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.
  • To recognise that vibrations from a sound travel through a medium to the ear.
  • Find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.


Our learning question is:

Who was victorious in the struggle for the kingdom of England? 

The children will continue to learn about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. 


This term out focus will be on Craft and Design. 

We will be earning fibre art skills such as plaiting, threading, knotting and weaving to create three-dimensional woven artworks inspired by artist Cecilia Vicuña.

Design Technology

The children will design and construct a windmill. They will explore various types of windmill, how they work and their key features. Following on from this the children will make lighthouses using simple electrical circuits made as part of their science work. 


Newsletter - Summer Term


In English, we will be continuing to learn and practice our phonics and reading using the Read, Write Inc scheme through personalised targets and activities.

During our Pathways to Write lessons, Willow Class will be reading:

‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field

The children will learn to write a story about a small animal who befriends a large animal in the African savannah using these features:

• Describe new characters

• Include and describe the setting

• Write simple sentences in sequence (link ideas with pronouns)

• Include a beginning, middle and end.

The Lion Inside


This term we will be focussing on:

  • time
  • 2D and 3D shape
  • statistics (graphs)

The children will be learning to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. The following website has a useful time telling game. Please use Level 2. 


Each morning we will continue to practise our adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing skills in our 4 a-day lesson - please see the useful websites linked at the top of the page.


Our focus this half term will be: Fieldwork 

The children will be learning 

  • to identify human and physical features 
  • to use digital technologies to record and present human and physical features within the school grounds 
  • about the key features of rivers
  • about different rivers 
  • to make a simple map of a local area using a key with basic symbols

Other Curriculum Areas

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