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Welcome to Rowan Class (Year 2)

Summer 2024

Welcome back everyone!


Within English, we are reading the book ‘The Last Wolf’ by Mini Grey. The story is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood and the children will be writing a letter in role as a character persuading others to save the trees. We will be linking this to our unit of learning about the rainforest from spring term. After half term, our last book is Grandad’s Secret Giant by David Litchfield with a focus on morality and acceptance of others. The children will write their own version of the story.


Along with continuing developing our fluency with the basic four operations ( +, -, x, ÷) the children will be focussing on fractions. The children will be able to recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3 ¼ 2/4 and ¾ of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. They will also write simple fractions for example, 1/2 of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and ½ . We are also looking at time and volume.




Within science, we are focussing on materials and their everyday uses. The children are going to be scientists working in a lab solving different types of problems. They will be conducting experiments to test which materials are best suited for which object. They will be testing different types of rubber, wood, plastic for different ‘clients’ in order to solve their problems. They will also be making their own slime to test why some materials are stretchier than others. At the end of the term, we will asked the children to design a dolls/toy house for a toy company. In order to sell the house, the toy company would like to know why the children choose the materials for the walls, windows, roof, etc.


In geography, our focus is on fieldwork. The children will be learning how to use a compass by completing scavenger hunts around the school grounds. We will then be conducting a research study of our local area by going out and noting all the human and physical features. They will then learn how to transfer this data into a simple map! At the end of the term they will design and place their own new play park for Dallam on a map and justify their reasons for the location.



Our research question for History this term is ‘What part did Warrington play in World War II?’. We will be researching what life was like for people living in Warrington during the Blitz. We will be researching about the RAF Burtonwood base and they will even get to visit the base and handle artefacts from that time.


It is now an expectation that the children are completing time on TTRockstars at least 3 times a week. When they have completed 10 sessions, and it has been logged at the back of their reading record, the children will become a maths champion and get their name in the newsletter. If you are still having problems with logging on, please do not hesitate to tell Miss Rowlands or Mrs Probulis.



Other Subjects:

REHinduism. How might people show their devotion?

PSHE - Relationships and Changing Me

MusicMyths and Legends(Timbre, dynamics and tempo)

Art - Sculpture and 3D

Design and Technology - Textiles and Mechanisms 

ComputingExploring the International  Space Station, Stop Motion animation and E-Safety



Miss Rowlands - Class Teacher


Mrs Probulis - Teaching Assistant 

Class Novels

This term, we will be sharing another classic book, George's Marvellous Medicine. 


We have been very impressed by how far the children have come with their confidence and fluency within reading. The children are choosing books within the classroom and from the library every week to encourage their reading for pleasure. Thank you for your continued support with home reading.

Just a reminder, that the children need to have their reading books and records in school every day. They should be reading at least 3 times a week at home. They are independently changing their books over, which is closely monitored by our class team. Please speak to us at any time if you would like to discuss your child’s reading.


The children will continue to be taught a spelling rule for the week and will practise their spellings in our morning 4-a-day work, spelling lessons and homework. 

PE kits

PE is every Wednesday and Thursday.  Children need black shorts, our Dallam Primary School blue PE T Shirt and trainers (pumps are no longer worn).

Water bottles

Please make sure that children have a water bottle in school every day.  It is really important that they keep hydrated and having a bottle in school the only way that they can access plenty of water quickly.

Maths 1
maths 2
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