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Welcome to Olive Class (Year 5)

Class Teachers: Miss Crowe/Mrs Horner

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Brooks



During our writing lessons, we will be reading ‘The Paperbag Prince’ which is about an old man living in a railway carriage on a rubbish dump who knows that even rubbish can sometimes contain treasure. Our final writing outcome will be an information/persuasive text.  We will be continuing to work on extending our sentences with a particular focus on using a range of subordinating conjunctions.


Our class novel this term is ‘Stormbreaker' by Anthony Horowitz. 

Websites your child could use at home:

For grammar skills:

SPAG Tests Online - Practice Grammar & Punctuation Tests Online


For spellings:

Spooky Spellings || Practise spelling Common Exception Words (ictgames.com)



In Maths, we will be beginning the term looking percentages and linking them to our previous work on fractions and decimals. We will then move on to geometry and units of measurements.

Click on the link below to find thousands of problems for your children to solve at home.


Here are some links for games to help improve your mental maths skills.

Push the Button - times tables, doubles and halves and number bonds.

Loop Cards - addition and subtraction facts, doubles and halves and times tables.

Woodlands Junior - lots of different maths games to improve your mental maths.

Remember to keep practicing your times tables every night.


Our first science unit this term is living things and their habitats and we will be focusing on the life cycles of animals and how plants and animals reproduce. During our second science unit, we will be extending our learning on this by focusing on a human life cycle including key changes such as puberty.

Click on the images below to do some of your own research on out science topics. 

Life Cycles - YouTube

Plant Life Cycle: Stages and Diagram



What did the Greeks do for us?

This term, we will be learning about a new ancient civilisation: The Greeks! We will be analysing historical evidence to build a picture up of daily life in Ancient Greece. We will also be thinking about how their achievements have influenced our life today.

Click on the image below to find out more!

Who were the ancient Greeks? - BBC Bitesize

History knowledge organiser:


A fieldwork study in a forest.

In our geography learning, we will be developing our fieldwork skills. We will begin by looking at the type of biome where we will be completing the fieldwork: a forest. We will be completing lots of learning outside the classroom by observing, measuring and recording data in our school grounds and beyond.

Click on the image below to find out more!

Biomes | Video for Kids ...





Other curriculum areas

Computing -  data handling and the mars rover

DT- mechanical systems and the digital world

Art- painting and mixed media

Music- South and West Africa music

RE - Islam and Judaism

Useful Information

The children have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday this term. On these days, they will need a full PE kit: school PE top, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers.


This can be through the online platforms that school offer or another way. This should be logged in their homework diary with date and signature. Their homework diaries will be checked daily.

Children will also be given homework on a Friday and it will be due on the following Wednesday.  The homework will be English and maths based and will reinforce the learning in school. Homework set will be on Google Classroom and children should complete the activities in their homework book. Paper copies will also be available for anyone that struggles to access Google Classroom at home. Spellings will also be posted weekly on Google Classroom; they will complete a dictation on a Friday so please practise them at home to help them prepare for this. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6bGa6MSd_uwd5ySHy7qaFjgD7MBPLT49itI3CAf4w2CuWHuSF

As well as their set homework, you can also help your child by encouraging them to use Oxford Reading Buddy, TT Rockstars, and Spag.com 

Oxford Reading Buddy

Sign In | Oxford Reading Buddy (oup.com)

TT Rockstars



SPAG Tests Online - Practice Grammar & Punctuation Tests Onlin




Dates for your diary:

w/b 22.04 parent drop in - maths focus 

06.05 - bank holiday (school closed)

18.06- visit to Sankey Valley to complete fieldwork

19.06- Sports Day

28.06 - Inset Day (school closed)

02.07- Summer Fayre 

11.07- Adventure Day with Active Hope 

15.07 - Tranisition week 

25.07- Break up for summer holidays (2pm finish)


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