Welcome to Holly Class (Designated Provision 1)
The staff you will find in Holly Class are;
Important Class Information;
- Whole class PE is on a Thursday afternoon with Tom, the sports coach. The children will benefit from a shorter session with less children in to give the opportunity for more 1:1 focussed teaching of the skills. Some of the children will also integrate for PE sessions with Year 1 on a Wednesday afternoon where they will be working outside and learning skills associated with Games and Athletics. Please ensure your child has appropriate kit in school, labelled. Trainers are the only footwear permitted for PE. Please also ensure that your child has a suitable bag for storing their PE kit when not in use.
- Snack money is £1 per week for toast. It must be paid by the Friday morning for the next week. Monies can be paid by direct bank transfer (speak to the office for details) or by sending cash into school in an envelope with your child's name, class and amount on the outside. If you prefer your child to have an alternative, please provide suitable snacks daily. Please note that foods containing nuts must not be sent into school for your child's snack and lunch. Please ensure that you have checked the ingredients list on the items which you are sending into school. Thank you for your continued co-operation.
Reading Champions
Reading books will be sent home weekly. Please ensure that you spend some time each week, sharing these books with your child.
You can ask your child some questions about their book;
- Where does the story take place?
- Who are the characters?
- Which part of the story do you like best?
- What is happening in the pictures?
- What happens first in the story?
- What happens in the middle of the story?
- What happens at the end of the story?
You can write in the record book to let us know how you are getting on;
- Did your child like the book?
- What was their favourite part?
- Who was their favourite character?
On Fridays, your child will bring home a book of activities linked to work that has been carried out that week in class. This will help them to develop important skills we are working on in class and share their learning with you.
We have a maths lesson every day and our topics change regularly.
In Holly Class we have a practical approach to our learning and will often have a number of practical lessons each week, where we will practise the skills that we are learning.
We have had a strong focus on our number formation. Please use the rhyme cards which have been sent home, to help your child to form their numbers correctly.
Read Write Inc
We follow the scheme called Read Write Inc for all of our phonics work.
We are grouped each morning and this is also allows an opportunity for some of us to integrate into a mainstream class.
In Holly Class we spend a week learning all about one sound, including how to form and write it. We have lots of sensory activities and lots of opportunities for gross and fine motor skills activities, preparing us for our writing.
Our Project - Summer 2024
This term our learning theme is "Moving around our world"We will be asking questions such as
"What is it like to live in different places?"
and "How has how we travel changed?"
In science, we will explore materials and their properties. We will conduct research and carry out experiments to use different materials for different purposes such as repairing a hole in a bucket!
In computing, the children will be looking at programming. We will start by exploring directions and then move onto using the Beebots.
In RE, we will explore our special world, specifically looking at creation across the different religions.
In art we will be getting crafty, practising our cutting and threading skills as well as joining different materials.
Our DT work will continue from last term, when we looked at weaving and will link with our learning in art as we experiment with sewing using different materials. Next half term we will look at building boats, which will link with our transport work in our history lessons.
Our focus stories will be
Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy and
The Train Ride by June Crebbin
These stories will help us to start to think about our geography and history work respectively, as we learn about what it is like to live in different places, and how our modes of transport have changed over time.
Please ensure that your child has an appropriate, labelled sun hat and bottle of suncream in school for the year, so that they can wear it when we go outside on hot days. You can also ensure that your child has a water bottle in school for use throughout the day - these can be purchased from the school office. Please ensure that each item sent into school is clearly labelled with your child's name.
We will be continuing to use the Read, Write, Inc. scheme to improve our literacy skills and will engage in Funky Fingers activities to develop our fine motor skills. We will also practice daily maths lessons each morning.
You can help your child by:
Sharing books regularly
Playing counting games
Singing songs
Practicing recognising and writing names
Practicing healthy routines at home such as; washing hands tidying away toys when they are finished with, etc.