Message sent from:

Class teacher - Ms Rich


Teaching Assistant - Miss Moran


Teaching Assistant - Mr Boulter

Mr G Boulter - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Cherry Class (Designated Provision 3)


Cherry Class 2023-2024

Summer Term 2023

Our geography topic is:

Fieldwork - a local study in a forest

Our history question is:

What did the Greeks do for us? 


Have a look at our project letter and knowledge organisers below, for even more information about what we will be learning.


  • Mental maths skills (including number bonds/times tables)
  • Fractions - the children will look at a range of fractions in shapes and of amounts, equivalent fractions, writing fractions as decimals and applying these to real like scenarios.
  • We will progress onto looking at time, money and shape.

Remember to encourage your child to practice their times tables often using TT Rockstars. Times tables are so important for them to achieve their full potential.



Useful websites


We will be reading The Last Wolf by Mini Grey.

Over the next half term we will be teaching the children how to:

  • Use a range of sentence types.
  • Write in 1st person.
  • Write a letter.
  • Write to persuade.
  • Include personal comments in their writing.

  • Mental maths skills (including number bonds/times tables)
  • Fractions - the children will look at a range of fractions in shapes and of amounts, equivalent fractions, writing fractions as decimals and applying these to real like scenarios.
  • We will progress onto looking at time, money and shape.

Remember to encourage your child to practice their times tables often using TT Rockstars. Times tables are so important for them to achieve their full potential.



This term our Science topic is:

Living Things and their Habitats

In the summer term, our science topic is Living Things and their Habitats. We will be learning through lots of investigations and experiments:

  • What is a mammal?

  • How are life cycles different for birds, mammals, insects and amphibians?

  • What are the reproductive parts of a flowering plant called?

  • How do animals pollinate plants?

Please encourage your child to take note of the life cycles and signs of the changing seasons in the plants and wildlife all around our local environment. 

Year 6 Residential September 2023 - Forest Camp



Pictures of what has been happening in our classroom

Coffee Afternoon


Ability Day at Orford Hub

Making Sumerian bread

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