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Welcome to Cedar Class (Year 1)

Meet Cedar class team....


In Cedar Class, we love reading and we will continue to make reading our main priority. Daily Read Write Inc sessions will continue to support us in recognising and applying all of their sounds more fluently.




maths website 2maths website 4

We will embed working with numbers to 40 and move onto working with numbers to 100.  Then we will begin to explore multiplication and division by making equal groups and sharing. We will also explore fractions, money and time.  Recalling small number facts in our daily ‘4-a-day’ arithmetic lessons and working on personalised maths targets will continue to be a priority.


Maths at home

Children are expected to practice their maths challenge which is taken from their maths passports.  The staff test the children on their challenge regularly and when they feel that your child is confident and fluent with their challenge then they will move them to the next challenge.  When your child has achieved their target they will become a maths champion and get a special mention on the weekly newsletter.

Numbots - every child has a numbots account.  They all know their login details, so children can access their accounts at home to improve their number fluency.  Click the link below to take you to Numbots.


Reading at home

It is incredibly important that children have the opportunity to read as regularly as possible.  Not only does being able to read fluently help children in every subject, and therefore find learning easier, but more importantly, we are committed to fostering a love of reading.  Your child will bring home a book that is matched to all of the sounds that they know.  The book should be easy for them to read and create a feeling of success when reading at home.   Please aim for your child to read with you at least three times a week.  Reading the book several times helps children to hear themselves ‘be readers’ and they should be encouraged to use a ‘story teller voice’ once they have read the book once.  Children need to keep their reading book in their book bag every day, as sometimes they may be asked to read it to an adult.  Books will be changed on a Thursday, ready to go home on Fridays. 

Phonics play.  There are some free games in the resources section which are really good for supporting the learning of phonics.  


This term, we will be looking at information texts and writing a report about a sea animal.  Our book ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ will also teach us to understand how we need to look after the creatures in our oceans.  Then we will be sharing the book ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear’ to help us to write our own traditional tale with a twist.  We will also be listening to poems and writing a list poem about space. 



This term, we will learn about animals including humans.  We will be able to name a variety of common animals and say if they are a bird, fish, mammal, amphibian or a reptile.  We will discover how to sort animals into herbivores, omnivores and carnivores.  Then we will move onto naming the basic parts of the human body and labelling which part I associated with which sense. Later in the term, we will look at the final season in our school year, summer, and observing the changes that we find in our school grounds.e.

Other curriculum areas

In history, we will be asking ‘What was the Rocket?’ and finding out about the significance of The Rainhill Trials.   In geography, the children will continue to learn about physical and human features and will compare Warrington to the coastline of Crosby.  Please look at our knowledge organisers and long term plans on the website for more information about the variety of experiences children have in school.

Important Reminders

For PE your child needs: 

Black Shorts

Blue Dallam Polo Shirt


Warm layers such as black/dark tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE.  Children are expected to wear their school jumper in the colder months.

Being prepared

Children are expected to bring their book bags, reading records and maths passport everyday to school.  The staff will be checking their reading and maths daily where possible.  It is really important that children have a water bottle in school so that they can stay hydrated. 


We have a piece of fruit available for children in school everyday. Children may also like to bring in their own healthy snack.  If your child would like toast for snack please send £1 in a named envelope on Friday ready for the following week.  Your child is to hand it to a member of staff in the class.  

Alternatively, you can pay via the bank.  Here are the details; WBC for Dallam Primary, sort code 01-09-17, account number 43836550

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