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Admissions Arrangements for Dallam Community Primary School

Admissions Consultation 2026/27

Dallam Primary School is a member of The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT) which is a multi-academy Trust with 12 academies within the Warrington local authority area. Legally, TCAT is the Admissions Authority for all its member academies and has developed Admission Arrangements which ensures all academies within the Trust have a unified approach to admissions whilst ensuring the individual character of each academy is maintained.

All state-funded schools have a set of admissions rules, published admission number and oversubscription criteria to help them process school applications consistently, transparently and fairly in accordance with the 2021 School Admissions Code. The Trust is consulting on the unified policy for the Trust’s Warrington academies. There are also specific proposals in relation to

  • The Published Admission Number (PAN) at Broomfields Junior School, Penketh High School and Padgate Academy
  • Amendment to oversubscription criteria 2 for Broomfields Junior School only
  • Inclusion of Dallam Community Primary School within these Admission Arrangements

Full details are given in the consultation document and policy.

The consultation is open from 6 December 2024 to 31 January 2025. We would like to hear what you think about the proposed admission arrangements for these academies. If you have any comments, queries or concerns about the school admission arrangements, please email admissions@tcat.uk.com . Any comments or queries can also be sent to academy trusts direct via their general enquiries form but please include the words ‘Admissions Consultation 2026/27 ’ in the subject header. Feedback provided through the admission consultation will be treated confidentially and will be considered by the Trust Board in deciding the final arrangements.

Admissions to Seedlings (2 year olds)

The maximum number of children in Seedlings is dependent on staffing ratios ensuring that the OFSTED regulations are adhered to. (Ratios - Staffing 1:4)

Children can be admitted to Seedlings the term after they turn two, dependent on the family meeting the Local Authority funding criteria. You can check if your child is eligible by visiting:


Parents who wish their child to join Seedlings need to express an interest by visiting the school office and completing a Nursery admissions form.  

If the places are over-subscribed, your child will be added to the waiting list and places will be offered in line with the school oversubscription criteria.  

Admissions to Acorns (3 and 4 year olds)

The maximum number of children in Acorns and Saplings is dependent on staffing ratios ensuring that the OFSTED regulations are adhered to. (Ratios - Staffing 1:13 with a class teacher, 1:8 without)

Children can be admitted to Nursery the term after they turn three, dependent on available spaces.

Parents who wish their child to join Acorns need to express an interest by visiting the school office and completing a Nursery admissions form.  To access 30 hours you will need to present your code and you check your eligibility by visiting:


If the places are over-subscribed, your child will be added to the waiting list and places will be offered in line with the school oversubscription criteria.  

Admissions to Primary School (Reception - Y6)

As a Maintained primary School, September admission to Reception class is faciltated through WBC and is administered in accordance with their Admission Policy. You will need to apply for a place online and full details can be found at:


Parents considering sending their child to our school mid-term should contact the Warrington Borough Council's (WBC) school admissions team on 01925 446226 or email schoolsadmissions@warrington.gov.uk.

Once you have spoken with the admissions team, they will contact school to check if there is space. If school is able to accept your child,  the Headteacher will be happy to arrange for you and your child to come and look around before starting here. 


If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us

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